Prescription drug addiction

Prescription drug addiction is becoming increasingly more common in the United States, a problem characterized by the National Institute on Drug Abuse as the second most common substance used illegally after marijuana. Ease of access may be one reason. Another contributing cause is most likely the increased ease with which doctors prescribe Schedule II, III, and IV narcotics for pain.

In order to successfully manage pain, opioid drugs attach to what are known as opioid receptors in both the brain and the spinal cord. The pain does not desist but your perception of that pain changes and in some cases, depending upon the dosage and other physical factors, a feeling of euphoria may replace it. Other indications include drowsiness, constipation and a depressed respiratory system.

However, in the long-term, the use of opioids to block pain builds up a tolerance or a dependence upon the drug. Without the prescription drug, your body feels pain even more acutely and loses the ability to manage itself. Additionally, withdrawal symptomsappear when levels of the prescription opioid drop below the elevated tolerance level. Depending upon the individual circumstance, this dependence can develop over as few as two weeks or may take up to a month or more.

Addiction to pain medication can occur even when following a doctor's prescription to the letter and through no fault of the patient. This, however, makes addiction to pain killers and other prescription medications no less serious. Severe respiratory issues and fatal doses are still an issue, no matter how the problem began.

Meditox understands that the roads to addiction are many and makes no judgment. Rather, we go out of our way to help you travel the path to freedom from that addiction as quickly and simply as possible.